
Wednesday, April 07, 2004


For those of you foolish enough to take Summer classes (foolish like I am, that is....who wants to take 15 units per regular semester?), you can look forward to an additional $150 in fees being added to your upcoming CARS bill.

The University of California is raising summer fees as a step in
dealing with the budget deficit for the 2004-05 academic year. At
Berkeley, an additional fee of $150 for undergraduates and $220 for
graduate students will be assessed for all UC students attending the
2004 Summer Sessions. Visiting students are already paying higher fees
in the summer, and are not subject to this increase.

Berkeley Summer Sessions regrets the hardship this may create for
students. We are committed to ensuring that the benefits of
accelerating progress toward your degree and broadening your academic
experience through Summer Sessions is still an outstanding value. We
have tried to anticipate your questions--please send any others to, or visit the Summer Sessions Office at
22 Wheeler Hall.

You have until Firday, April 16 to cancel your Summer registration and get your $6 plus $166 per unit back.


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