
Friday, May 07, 2004

If only they invested this much effort into their magazine

From the idiot savants who brought you Jizzlam comes one of the more impressive mockeries of student government authority that I've ever encountered. Members of the Koala, UCSD's "humor" magazine, reportedly took the Associated Students council meeting by storm, equipped with water balloons, Super Soakers, and a goat. I highly encourage you to read the full account here.

Why doesn't the Heuristic Squelch stage such elaborate pranks on our own ASUC, you might ask. First, we can't afford to piss off the same people who give us money. The Koala, on the other hand, has about a $12 operating budget and doesn't need to make people happy just to make their magazine. Second, we have more important things to do, such as writing jokes.

Three cheers, though, to the Koala staff for their constant pursuit of juvenile mirth.


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