
Monday, May 10, 2004

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I expect SPAM with such stunning subject lines as "Get prescribed cialis.., Viagra, Valium, xanax, Diet Pills and much more online!" But "Get prescribed cialis.., Viagra, Valium, xanax, Diet Pills and much more online! Overnight Shipping torque greengrocer genius slocum bradshaw atlantis conformance clasp dishes trailhead yellowish agitate our singlehanded maitre" is less predicatble.

Or "Valium, xanax, cialis.., Viagra, levitra, Phentermine, Xenical & many others prescribed online and shipped overnight neuroses testicle crack caulk conferring exogenous upgrade beneath parsley orthodoxy annihilate instance decompose tarpaper anticipatory failsoft malagasy auxiliary preposterous conformal insurmountable blumenthal greed puffery liverpudlian countermen hill rosenberg pound charity." Insurmountable Blumenthal?

Perhaps the modern spammer is now equipped with one of those Word of the Day calendars.

Could someone with more technical know-how explain to me the advantage of including all these superfluous words in the subject line of junk emails? Enquiring minds want to know.


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