
Monday, February 06, 2006

The end? Yes... really? No...

Just kidding. Yes. This is the end for Caljunket. Or it is almost. I promised Rebecca the last post. The blog of course hasn't been doing much for a while but the blogging goes on for me over at my non-political personal site and at the political team blog the party line. I hope everyone had as good a time reading my political opinions which range from half-baked to boring. I make no pretense to understanding politics better than the average person, just better than BAD.

God bless America, and everywhere else.


Tomato Scrotum, you suck.
Hey, I'm back with more questions. I know Earth Day has already passed us by, but with everyone going green these days, I thought I’d try to do my part.

I am trying to find easy, simple things I can do to help stop global warming (I don’t plan on buying a hybrid). Has anyone seen that is promoting their Earth Day (month) challenge, with the goal to get 1 million people to take their carbon footprint test in April?... I took the test, it was easy and only took me about 2 minutes and I am planning on lowering my score with some of their tips.

I am looking for more easy fun stuff to do. If you know of any other sites worth my time let me know.
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